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Brillings Fittings Website on Laptop and Mobile Device
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Brillings Fittings website

Brillings Fittings Inc. is a manufacturer and supplier of industrial, medical and mining equipment fittings. David was asked to plan, design and create a website to represent and promote the business. He was responsible for creating and implementing a plan to cover all the tasks associated with the Web design project. In addition, he was assigned the roles of project manager, web designer, and graphic designer to get the job done efficiently and quickly. As Graphic Designer, he was responsible for creating and supplying all of the imagery for the Web site, including the Brillings corporate logo, graphic icons, and photographs using applications such as Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop. As the Web designer, David created the entire website using Adobe Dreamweaver. The user friendly navigation system, located at the top of each page, makes it easy for visitors to quickly find what they are looking for on this Website. The site has a Home page, About page, Products page and a Contact Page with a secure contact form which validates upon submission. The website displays and functions well on all devices from desktop to mobile and satifies all of Brillings Fittings goals and objectives for the project.

Brillings Fittings Logo

Brillings Fittings logo

One of the first requirements for this web design project was to design a new corporate logo for the Brillings Fittings company. David chose to create a simple text style logo with the Adobe Illustrator application. The logo is a skillful combination of two typeface fonts named, Cobalt Alien Condensed for the main body of the logo and Hind Siliguri Medium for the tag line underneath. This strong typographical design is extremely legible, even at small sizes and the attractive color scheme of a crisp black and bright blue on a white background, appropriately supports the overall feeling of strength, trust, and professionalism that was desired by the company. The tasteful color palette represents the Brillings Corporate colors, which are used consistently throughout the website within a clean and well-structured format - further supporting the Brillings brand and the overall corporate image for the company.

Clipboard with checklist showing David Littlefield is available for full-time or freelance

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David is available for Full-Time or Freelance. Get the power of DL working for you today!